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ARPA-E 2021 “OPEN” FOA # 2459, submitted 5 April 21
- Grid Security: Low-cost, GWh-scale, High-purity, Gaseous Hydrogen (GH2) Storage & Transmission System: “Packed” Pipeline Storage for VER Sources, On- or Off-Grid, via Novel Polymer-Nonferrous-Metal Hybrid Linepipe Immune to Hydrogen Embrittlement (HE)
- Grid Relief, Curtailed Energy Harvest, and Free Storage: Demonstrating Autonomous, Off-Grid, Lower-cost, Dedicated Hydrogen Production from Integrated Wind + PV via SEIG-mode Wind Turbines, Close-coupled Electrolysis Stack Arrays, and Single SCADA
- Quasi-spherical Thin-shell Concrete Small Buildings: Low CAPEX, Low Embodied and OPEX Energy, Rapid and Remote Construction, Earth-shelterable, for Comfort and Security: Storm, Tsunami, Fire, and Combat Survival
Other R&D Funding Applications
- National Science Foundation (NSF) SBIR, Phase 1 Research, for Advanced Manufacturing (M) of quasi-spherical thin-shell concrete small buildings, worldwide. Submitted 9 January 2024. A summary of the NSF on-line application and the Project Pitch which qualified Alaska applied Sciences, Inc. to submit a Full Application for $ 275,000 NSF Phase 1 funding. Nothing herein is proprietary nor confidential; FWD as you wish.
- FOA 1647: Lower-cost Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Production from Distributed Wind via Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG’s) at Multi-turbine Off-grid Windplants: NREL R&D plus Demonstration at an Operating 13-turbine Windplant in Palm Springs, CAQuasi-spherical Thin-shell Concrete Small Buildings: Low CAPEX, Low Embodied and OPEX Energy, Rapid and Remote Construction, Earth-shelterable, for Comfort and Security: Storm, Tsunami, Fire, and Combat Survival
- FOA-1261 TECHNICAL VOLUME: Lower-cost Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Production from Distributed Wind via Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG’s) at Multi-turbine Off-grid Windplants: NREL R&D plus Demonstration at an Operating 13-turbine Windplant in Palm Springs, CA
- FOA 1261 SUMMARY SLIDE: Lower-cost Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Production from Distributed Wind via Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG’s) at Multi-turbine Off-grid Windplants: NREL R&D plus Demonstration at an Operating 13-turbine Windplant in Palm Springs, CA
- ARPA-E IDEAS: Lower-cost Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Production from Distributed Wind via Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG’s) at Multi-turbine Off-grid Windplants: NREL R&D plus Demonstration at an Operating 13-turbine Windplant in Palm Springs, CA
- CEC GFO-16-310: Low-cost Wind-source Hydrogen Transportation Fuel from Old and New California Windplants, Without Grid Connection, Prevents IOU Rate Burden and Expands Wind Market
- CRADA Call-H2@Scale-2017: Lower-cost Dedicated Wind-to-Hydrogen Production via Self Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) Close-coupled to Electrolysis Stacks and Single SCADA: Autonomous, with No Electricity Grid Connection Needed
- FOA-1562-1549, ARPA-E “REFUEL”, WindtoGreen LLC: Carbon-Free Liquid NH3 Fuel for Transportation and CHP: An Integrated Source-to-Use Energy System
- NSF Project Description: Paralleled Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIG’s) for Optimized Hydrogen Fuel Production from Stranded, Multi-turbine Windplants: R&D at an Operating 13-turbine Palm Springs Windplant